Monday, May 26, 2014

Sometimes it's the small things

We recently came across an article posted by NPR, and it resonated with us and our vision here at Simply Rustic Soap. As more people become aware of how their daily choices impact the earth and our future resources, we hope the knowledge sparks action. The action can come in many forms: 

Choosing to compost and recycle instead of simply throwing everything away 
Using glass containers for lunches, snacks and leftovers, instead of plastic zip lock bags 
Purchasing a BPA-free or stainless steel water bottle instead of buying single use plastic water bottles
Turning that misprinted document into scratch paper 
Using cloth grocery bags and mesh cinch bags for fruits and veggies when going to the market 

All of our choices make a difference. 

After reading this article, we were glad to know that our handmade exfoliating soap will not be adding to the growing issue of plastics getting into the ecosystem. Simply Rustic Soap uses things like spices, dried lavender petals, ground oatmeal and coffee grinds, along with tea and dried herbs to exfoliate the skin. We hope you choose Simply Rustic Soap, but even if you don't, please remember that your choices make an impact. Sometimes it's the small things that make all the difference in the stewardship of our resources.  

Please feel free to read the above mentioned article:

Why Those Tiny Microbeads In Soap May Pose Problem For Great Lakes
